Autumn Newsflash: MOVING into Fall!

Autumn Newsflash: MOVING into Fall!

Dear Friend of the Pantry, It is with great excitement and gratitude that I update the Community on the status of the new Pantry. As of September 25, GCFP has been operating out of our new home at 114 South 14th Street, Gunnison! Thank you to all the volunteers and...
Affordable heat help available in Gunnison

Affordable heat help available in Gunnison

Large Image (Centered) GV-HEAT gears up for another winter of high demand Gunnison Country TimesOctober 04, 2023Abby Harrison | Times Staff Writer As fall descends into the Gunnison Valley and heaters roar to life, some locals may need extra help with heating costs or...
Food Pantry moves into new digs

Food Pantry moves into new digs

  Gunnison Country TimesSeptember 20, 2023The original article can be found here. Food Pantry moves into new digs The Gunnison Country Food Pantry has started moving food, fridges, pallets and shelves to its new location on 114 S. 14th St. The new space is four...
GCFP on the Koolers Lifestyle Podcast

GCFP on the Koolers Lifestyle Podcast

Inside look at the Gunnison Food Pantry with Jodi Payne on the Koolers Lifestyle Podcast – Ep 22 – Kooler Garage Doors   Join Matt Kuehlhorn on the Koolers Lifestyle Podcast as he sits down with Jodi Payne, Executive Director of the Gunnison Country...