Thank You Donors
Thank You Donors
On behalf of our Board and our volunteers, we would like to thank the many generous contributors to Gunnison Country Food Pantry. We could not operate without your support! Thank you for recognizing that our Pantry is an important component of our community. We assure all of our donors that we are wise stewards with every dollar donated and every donation of food provided on behalf of those facing hunger in Gunnison County.
See our Donation page for information on how to donate to Gunnison Country Food Pantry.
Great Thanks to GCFP 2023 Donors
“If you want to eliminate hunger, everybody has to be involved.”
— Bono
2023 Financial Donors
AJ and Kathy Weber Alt
Albertsons Companies Foundation
Alecsandra Truninger Hanley
All Saints in the Mountains Episcopal Church
Alpha Mechanical Solutions LLC
Alternative Gifts International
Amanda Skaja
Amy Brooks
Amy Ellwein
Andie and Mark Holman
Andrew and Gail Sovick
Andrew Breibart
Andrew Nill
Andrew Null
Ann Landwehr
Anne & Michael Crowley
Anne Coster
Anne Michel
Anschutz Family Foundation
Arlene and Jerry Kowal
Art Hayes
Barb Robinson
Barbara Adams
Barbara Amstutz
Barbara Klingman
Barry Vogt
Bart and Sue Carbone
Becky and Ben Paradee
Becky and Joe Williams
Bernard and Ann Goldberg
Bethany Baptist Church
Betty Bateson
Bill and Lenni Burke
Bluebird Charitable Fund
Bob Gillie
Bob Schoen
Bob Wojtko and Rita J. Bohn
Boettcher Foundation
Bonnie Farnell
Brenda Kaffenberger
Brittney Hoots
Bud and Karen Najvar
Buff’s Collision Specialists
Candi Borah
Carley Seale
Carmen Bell
Carole and David White
Carolyn and Jim Dicesare
Carolyn and Phil Virden
Carolyn Malone
Carrie Gumbar
Chad Reich
Chapter GY PEO Sisterhood
Charles and Gayle Berkoben
Charles and Judy Welch
Charles and Sherryl Peterson
Chris Ray
Christine and Kurt Portwich
Christine Holbrook
Christopher and Angela Layne
Christopher Klein Construction, Inc.
Christopher Wilson
Church of the Good Samaritan Episcopal
Cindy Foster
City of Gunnison
Collin and Amelia Siberz
Colorado Food Assistance Grant
Colorado River Water Conservation District
Community Banks of Colorado
Community Church of Gunnison
Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley
Connie Guerrieri
Constance Rudd
Crested Butte Ace Hardware
Dan and Julie Charitable Fund
Danial Kohler
Daniel Hodgman
Daniel Sapienza
Dara MacDonald
David and Desiree Miller
David and Lezlie Hudiburg
David Gray
Deanna Ridgway
Debbe Weidler
Debra Reich
Denise Hawk
Deno Stelter
Diana and Fran Wickenhauser
Diane and Sean McCormick
Don and Ann Ripley
Don Haver Donor Advised Fund
Donald Farrar
Donna A Cerza
Donna Rozman
Dorothy Dellefave
Doug Duryea
Duffy Family Foundation
Dustin Cordova
Dusto McGuinness
Edward Jones, Region 20
El Pomar Foundation
Ellen Harriman
Emily Cannon
Emily Henkel
Eric Freson
Erik Jordan
Erin McKenzie and Daniel Bruce
Evans Clements
Eveline Woloszko
Farmers Insurance – Christopher Layne
Folding for Food
Fred Garth
Fullmer’s Ace Hardware
Gabrielle Kellman
Galen and Nancy Houston
Garlic Mike’s
Glenda Michaels
Gordon Moore
Grace Ransler
Grace Thurlow
Greater Toledo Community Foundation
Gregory and Emma Chase
Gregory Larder and Courtney Lange
Gregory Smith
Gunnison Bank & Trust Company
Gunnison Car Club
Gunnison Congregational Church
Gunnison County
Gunnison Elementary School Student Leadership Club
Gunnison Elks Lodge 1623
Gunnison Gallery
Gunnison High School National Honor Society
Gunnison Home Association
Gunnison Poker Group
Gunnison Savings and Loan
Gunnison Valley Health
Gunnison Valley Regional Housing Authority
Gunnison Watershed School District RE-1J
Hasche Family Donor Fund
Heather Janelle
Heather Malcolm
Howard Cline
Ian and Kimberley Wrisley
Irwin Backcountry Guides
Isabel Franklin and Nancy Gibson
Jack and Eileen Hughes
Jack and Mary Blake
James Foster
James Perrin Quarles
Jamie Carroll
Jamie Elsasser
Jan Parker and Marcel Medved
Jane Deeken
Janelle Crowe
Janet and Phil Crossley
Jean Almgren
Jean G Whittaker
Jeff Stanely
Jennifer Bickford
Jennifer Reeb
Jenny Schuster
Jered and Robin Wilkinson
Jerome Arthur Denton
Jessie Weaver
Jill Stahlnecker
Jodi Payne
Joe and Katie Dix
Joe and Susan Ziluca
John & Mary Lavelle
John D Cleeton
John H. Harmon, Jr. and Jane H. Harmon Foundation
Jonathan Holton
Jorge Escalante
Junie and Wanda Herron
Jyll Scott
Karen Atha Dunn
Karen Hardy
Katalin Wolff
Kate Magnus
Katherine A. Meyer
Katherine Norgard
Kathleen Cortner
Kathleen Fogo
Katie and David Neben
Kay Branum
Kelly Williams
Ken Henry
Kent and Leslie Miller
Kim and Craig Cooper
Kim Puchek
Kimberly Schappert
Kooler Garage Doors
Kowal Construction
Laird Cagan
Laura Caplan
Laura Osborne and Brian Benson
Laurie and Dan Goetz Family Philanthropic Fund of the Dallas Jewish Community Foundation
Lawrence and Annie Blatt
Les White
Leslie Perrot
Linda and Joe Shipp
Lois and Wayne Oldham
Lookout Tower
Loyd Wisozk
Luka Olmstead
Luke Hopkins
Lynn Cudlip
MacAllister Family Fund
Madi Welsh
Maggie and Steve Guerrieri
Maia Jourgensen
Margaret Wacker
Maria Escalante
Mariangela Sandroni
Marilyn Phillips
Mark and Mary Jo Schumacher
Mark and Nancy Leonard
Mark and Peggy High
Marla and Greg Larson
Marlys and Frank Buffington
Martha and Harley Tripp
Martha Watson Violett
Marvin and Joanne Morris
Mary and Steven Bunt
Mary Ann and John Tarr
Mary Poole and Laird Cagan
Mary Sawyer
Maryo Ewell and George Sibley
Matt Aronson
Matthew Ebbott
Matthew Feier
Melinda Hulm
Michael Bell
Michael Benedict
Michael Collins
Michael Sampliner
Michelle and Mike Truly
Mike and Stacey Shafer
Mile High United Way
Mill Creek Ranch
Molly Mugglestone
Monarch Realty, Inc.
Moore Family Charitable Foundation
Mountain Earth
Mountainside Bookkeeping
Myrna Schneider
Nancy and Neil Kovach
Nancy Dean
Nancy Ruehle
Narcissa and Hap Channell
Neil and Joan Windsor
Nicholas Pompa
Nora and Richard Ricci
Osage Initiatives Jane Prancan
Pam and Mark Hatcher
Patrice and Eric Streicher
Paul and Joy Adams
Paul Tomich
Peak to Peak Rallye, LLC
PEO Sisterhood Chapter AN
PEO Sisterhood Chapter HK
Peter and Katharine Winograd
Philip Berggren
Philip Spiers
Pickleball Club
Porsche of Colorado Springs
Rachel Meissner
Rachel New
Randy and Paul Morgan
Randy Sackett
Rebecca and Charles Wilkins
Richard Tocher and Julie Vlier Fund
Richard W Harper
Roberta Davis
Robin Baade
Rocky Mountain Christian Ministries
Rocky Mountain Health Foundation
Roger and Amelia Rolfe
Ron Malone
Ronda Connaway
Rotary Club of Gunnison
Ryan Downing
Ryan Link
S.A. Somrak
Sandra and Richard Karas
Sara D Richie
Sara Mattes
Schmueser Gordon Meyer
Scott and Teri Winget
Scott Mathewson
Selina Dickens
Seventh Day Adventist Church
Sharen Neale
Sharon and Jim Mendonca
Sharon Ann Farrington
Shary L Templeton
Shelley Read
Shondeck Financial Services and Insurance
Sonda and Kevin Donovan
Sonja Chavez
Sonya Parisian
St Peter’s Catholic Church
Steve Secofsky
Steven Voet and Margaret Alcock
Susan and Alan Leach
Susan and Mike Ritchey
Susan Anderson
Susan Christenson
Susan Pisano
Tamara Williams
Tammy Shelafo
The Almont Resort – Elk Ave Prime
The Colorado Trust
The Dehaemers Family Charitable Trust
The Hyatt Family Trust
The Paper Clip
The Rodman Fund
The Ronald T Goering and Imogene M Bessett Charitable Fund
The Stern and McLean Family Fund
Thomas Alford
Tim Nerhood
Tin Cup Community Chapel
Toby and Sylvia Bonham
Town of Crested Butte
Town of Mt. Crested Butte
Tricia and Michael Kalka
Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc
Truettner Family Foundation
USDA Rural Development
Vail Resorts Charitable Fund
Vikki and Don Archuleta
Vincent and Joanne Rogalski
Virginia Walton
Walmart Foundation
Warren Halpern
WCU Lead
Wes and Benita Bellamy
Western Colorado University
William B. Endner Fund
William Hamilton and Jacqueline Bird
William Mathews
Wm A & Elizabeth B Moncrief Foundation
Zachar Buckley Charitable Fund

Donors, you make a difference. Thank you.