Two men load groceries into a vehicle for food distribution.

Town donates $50,000 for Gunnison Country Food Pantry

Jun 10, 2022

GCFP In the News

Town donates $50,000 for Gunnison Country Food Pantry

Crested Butte News
June 10, 2022

The Crested Butte town council unanimously approved a $50,000 contribution for the Gunnison Country Food Pantry.  The money will be spent on the pantry’s recently purchase building and renovation.  Katie Dix and Jodi Payne of the Pantry made their presentation to the council explaining how many people from all over the valley are touched by the pantry.  “The town doesn’t do a lot in this type of health and human services area directly, so this type of donation is a good partnership for the town,” said mayor Ian Billick.  “It is a good way to help leverage funds.”

Gunnison County commissioners also unanimously approved a $30,000 contribution to the panty and agreed to prioritize additional, ongoing support for the pantry when they prepare their annual budget toward the end of the year.


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